Molly Jean |
Gender: Female
Age: 1 Year
Foster Home: Bryon
Update: Molly Jean was adopted in September, 2007. We're received the following updates:
10/16/2007 Hello, just wanted to send an update on
Molly. She is adjusting well to her new family and friend,
we are very happy to have found her and love her energy and
personality. Looking forward to getting some training
together as we all have a lot to learn about each other. We
are very happy with our choice in adopting a border collie
and Thank Great lakes Border Collie rescue for their help.
especially Kathy. and look forward to seeing them again,
thank you very much.
11/24/2007 Molly Jean is doing very well and we love
having here here very much. We have started phase one of
agility training and she seems to like it and all the other
dogs most of the time lol. She gets along great with our
poodle Pepper and they are now friends. Molly looks after
her. She does tend to want to herd anything that moves.
Anyway, thank you again and maybe this time next year I can
get another for her to play with.